👉 DON'T MISS OUT - We only migrate 3 clients per month (so sign up today and be up and running next month)

"I literally just switched from Kajabi to HighLevel. Way cheaper, way more tools"

"Having everything under one roof is a breathe of fresh air"

"HighLevel is head and shoulders above the other all-in-one platforms."

Stop struggling and

Move to HighLevel already

Stop struggling and

Move everything to HighLevel already

Better yet, let us take care of the platform move for you and in as little as 30 days you can cancel all your other subscriptions!

Not only that... when you move to our HighLevel platform - Solintro - besides getting you fully up and running, we also train you (and your team if you have one) on exactly what you need to know about the tool and the processes in order to run your business, AND we make sure your customer journeys are efficiently bringing in leads and sales.

In other words...

  • We do the migration in 30 days or less so you can start canceling your other subscriptions.

  • We'll analyse your current end-to-end customer journey to identify what's working and what's not.

  • We work with you to plug the leaks in your funnels.

  • We help you automate the heck out of your business (pardon the french).

  • We train you (& your team) on how to use the platform for your business by providing personalised training on only the features that you're using instead of pointing you to a generic course.

  • You can jump on a 1:1 call with us to get personalized help at any time even after we've got you up and running on the platform.

Sounds good?

HighLevel has done exactly what I wanted it to do. It gives me the funnel flows and statistics that have equaled more sales in my business

Before using HighLevel, I faced several challenges with my previous setup. The platform I was using did not allow for upsells and one-time offers in their funnels. Additionally, the statistics provided by the platform were lacking, which made it difficult to analyze and optimize my marketing efforts.

I have tried moving to HighLevel on my own in the past, but I couldn't figure out how to do set everything up, so I cancelled the subscription and went back to using my old tools.

So when I heard of Sam & Petra at Solintro, I immediately reached out and signed up to their solution.

And I'm so glad I did! As soon as my account was migrated into HighLevel, I was making sales, even before the migration was fully completed! There was no downtime for my business or sales due to the streamlined migration process.


The Virtual Pediatric OT

Listen, we totally get it...

  • ...the cost for all the tools that you need in your business is really starting to stack up - email, website, course platform, video hosting, calendar booking, funnel builder, forms & surveys. 🥹

  • ...at the same time, the thought of moving everything is freaking you out. Last time you changed platform was a complete mess and ended up taking weeks. There's no chance in hell you'll be able to squeeze out time in your already swamped schedule to do it.

  • ...you've been thinking about outsourcing the work, but last time you let someone handle the tech for you, you ended up having to teach them first so that didn't end up saving you any time.

  • ...besides, you're not even sure that your customer journey is any good. Sure, you're making sales but the whole, "money while I sleep" or "I make sales every day" hasn't happened for you yet.

So in the grand scheme of things, it's probably better to keep the current setup and just pay those pesky bills every month, right?

Keeping your multiple tools may feel easier, but it's actually sabotaging your business:


Those "small" monthly subscriptions for various tools? They're not so small when combined. You're hemorrhaging money on redundant services, quietly eating away at your profits. Every dollar spent on unnecessary tools is a dollar not invested in your growth.


Switching between platforms, reconciling data, troubleshooting integrations – it all adds up. You're losing hours each week to tech management instead of focusing on what you do best: serving clients and growing your business. Time is your most valuable asset, and right now, it's slipping through your fingers.


You didn't start your business to become a tech expert, yet here you are, constantly learning new tools and updates. This mental load is exhausting, stealing your creative energy and passion for your work. The overwhelm is real, and it's holding you back.


With your business spread across various tools, creating a seamless customer experience is nearly impossible. Leads are falling through the cracks, and you're likely losing sales without even realizing it. Your disjointed system is costing you clients and revenue.


Your current setup might be managing for now, but what about when you want to grow? The patchwork system you've cobbled together won't support the business of your dreams. You're unknowingly putting a cap on your potential.


Deep down, you know parts of your business could be automated, freeing up your time and energy. But connecting all these disparate systems feels overwhelming, so you settle for manual processes. You're missing out on the power of true automation.

By switching to HighLevel, you're saving TIME and MONEY —and you have a system that can scale with you.

All the tools you need - in one place

(say goodbye to multiple subscriptions, including Zapier)

Set up your digital home

Every business needs a website, and with HighLevels drag-and-drop builder (and 1000's of templates) you can create your digital home without learning how to code.

Build funnels & landing pages

There's no limit to how many landing pages or funnels you can build in HighLevel. Create a simple opt-in page, or a complex funnel with tripwires, upsells/down-sells, etc. You can do it all.

Grow your list

Capture your leads from your funnels and landing pages directly in HighLevel, and send out welcome emails, nurture emails and sales campaigns.

Sell your courses

You can build unlimited courses and sell them either individually, bundled together or as a membership.

Sell your services

If you're a coach or consultant, or a fitness studio, beauty saloon, etc. you can create service listings and booking schedules all within the platform.

Sell your products

If you have digital or physical product, you can use the e-commerce feature where you can offer variations like size and color, track inventory and set shipping rates.

Automate call bookings

With the calendar feature, you can automate your call bookings (and send booking reminders via text, WhatsApp and email).

Get documents signed digitally

Send proposals and legal documents for e-signing directly from the tool (and set up automations to move the client to the next stage of the process automatically).

Create invoices & payment links

Send professional invoices, send payment links via email, WhatsApp or sms, and easily monitor the payments in the tool.

Build communities

Be an early adaptor and get a community setup on a platform where you don't risk getting shut down or your content being used to train the AI.

Schedule your social posts

With the native social planner, you can plan and schedule your social media (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, X, TikTok, Pinterest).

Automate your DMs

Set up automatic DMs so instead of sending people to a landing page, you can engage with the lead (and make a sale) directly in the chat.

Ask your audience

You can set up forms and surveys to help you get to know and serve your audience better.

Send text back on missed call

If your business relies on phone calls, you can set up missed calls text back to provide faster responses to your leads and customers.

Manage your reputation

Connect your Google Business profile and automatically ask for and respond to reviews.

...and last, but definitely not least:

Test & Track your progress

What get's measured gets improved. With HighLevels testing, tracking and reporting features, you can easily do split testing, track your progress and stay on top of your business.

Conversation AI

Train the inbuilt AI on all your content, and let it handle general support, and question answering. You can also use it in your automations, when you do split testing and much, much more.


This is the feature that supercharges the platform and allows you to put your customer journey on autopilot and make sales while you sleep.

We know, right!! It's a lot of features. 😅

No, you don't have to use all the features right out of the gate.

In fact, this is why many business owners get overwhelmed by the system. They try and learn everything at once, thinking that they need to in order to maximise the investment.

When you sign up with us and we help you get situated on HighLevel, we'll only use the features that you need at this stage of your business.

As your business grows, and you need or want to use more of the features, we'll work with you to add that feature seamlessly into your business processes without you having to pay extra for the tool.

When I decided to start my denim lifestyle orientated site, I wanted to include a store facility. I already have one of my businesses on Solintro so I know there is the possibility of adding a store feature later if I wanted.

This is what makes Solintro such a good platform, you don’t need to use all of the platforms features but you know they’re there if you want to start using them.


Zip or Button

Save thousands of dollars per year

Take a look at all the tools you can cancel (and how much 💰 you can save)


Yeah, but...

moving to a new platform is going to take me foreveeeeer!


If you feel you're spinning too many plates already, you don't have any more hours to carve out, and frankly - you don't really give a toss about learning how to set things up - you just want it done and know how to manage it, then we got you covered!

this is what you need:

Smart System Build

Leave the tech hassle to us, and can focus on the money-generating activities in your business instead, doing what you love, safe in the knowledge that we take care of your "baby" as if it was our own.

This is what we'll do for you:

  • Do the migration in 30 days or less so you can start canceling your other subscriptions.

  • Analyse your current end-to-end customer journey to identify what's working and what's not.

  • Work with you to plug the leaks in your funnels.

  • Help you automate the heck out of your business (pardon the french).

  • Train you (& your team) on how to use the platform for your business by providing personalised training on only the features that you're using instead of pointing you to a generic course.

You'll continue to get personalized help from us also after we've got you fully up and running on the platform whenever you need it!

Hi, we're Sam & Petra

We're passionate about helping business owners like you use HighLevel to grow your business.

We're two solopreneurs who attended the same business network call about migrating to HighLevel. While others on the call felt overwhelmed by everything the platform can do, we got excited and immediately started to geek out about the possibilities.

We quickly decided to join forces to help the others with their migrations and to get them set up quickly and correctly.

Fast forward to today, we’ve left our previous ventures behind, immersed ourselves in HighLevel, became certified, and have now dedicated ourselves to helping solopreneurs and small business owners like you eliminate tech headaches and instead empower you to build strong and effective customer journeys using HighLevel.


Take the 'automate my business' task off your

to-do list and put it on ours instead.

Here's what we'll do for you:

  • Migrate all your assets scattered across other tools into Solintro.

  • Analyse your end-to-end customer journey to identify what's working and what's not.

  • Work with you to plug the leaks in your customer journey.

  • Help you automate all the steps that can be automated.

  • Train you (and your team members) on how to use Solintro in your business.

Solintro, an all-in-one platform, comes with ALL of this:

  • Unlimited funnels + website builder

  • Unlimited courses

  • Unlimited communities

  • Unlimited products

  • Unlimited forms and surveys

  • Unlimited conversation AI

  • Unlimited video hosting storage

  • Unlimited contacts (audience)

  • Unlimited admins

  • Pay-as-you go texting and email*

  • Message automations (FB Messenger and IG DM's

  • ChatWidget

  • Social Media scheduling

  • Appointment scheduling

  • Access to 1000's templates for website, funnels, and emails

  • Native video hosting

  • Pay-as-you go texting and email*

  • Message automations (FB Messenger and IG DM's

  • ChatWidget

  • Social Media scheduling

  • Appointment scheduling

  • Access to 1000's templates for website, funnels, and emails

  • Native video hosting

  • Huge library of easy-to-action tutorials about the platform.

  • Email and Live chat support

  • Live weekly Office Hours

  • Ability to schedule 1:1 calls for personalized support**

*Pay-as-you go email is $.0010/email ($1 for 1,000 emails) and 0.02 per text.
**1:1 calls for personalized support is limited to three per month.

You get all of the above for

$997/month for the first six months

(or pay $5,000 upfront for the first six months)

after that, you only pay


Save $982

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for?

The Smart System Build is perfect for anyone who wants to reduce the number of tools they use in their business, have more of their business automated but don't want to set any of it up themselves. During the first six months, we'll work with you to set your entire customer journey up for you on Solintro and train you (and your team members) on exactly what you need to know about the tool and the processes in order to run your business effectively.

What does it cost?

For the first six months, you pay $997 per month. After that it's $197 per month.

What's included?

You get an account on Solintro - a HighLevel all-in-one platform.

You also get done-for-you migration service, meaning we'll move everything from your existing tools to Solintro.

In addition, you'll get a full analysis of your current end-to-end customer journeys to identify what's working and what's not. You'll also get our help with plugging the leaks in your funnels, and we help automate your business for you. Plus, you also get personalised training for you and your team on how to use Solintro in your business.

There's a lot of HighLevel agencies, why should I sign up for your platform?

If you want the benefits of using a tool like HighLevel in your business, but you don't want to spend several months trying to learn how the system works, nor do you want to spend several months migrating from your other tools, and then set all the automations up so you have effective customer journeys that bring you leads and sales on autopilot, you should sign up for our platform, and take advantage of the Smart System Build.

Unlike most other agencies, we don't hook you up with a bunch of training videos and expect you to learn on your own. Instead, we personally teach you by showing you how you should work with the tool in your business.

When can I cancel all my other tools?

It takes up to 30 days to move everything over from your current tools, so you can cancel your other tools as soon as the migration is done. In reality, we're oftentimes done with the migration earlier than 30 days, but we always advice our clients to allow for up to 30 days.

I have a website already, do I need Solintro?

Solintro is so much more than a website, because you have all the systems you need to run your business successfully—all in one tool. The website builder is just one part of the system. If you use Wordpress, your website can easily integrate with Solintro through a plugin called LeadConnector. You can embed your forms, calendars, webchat, and funnels onto any site with no problem.

Do you offer a free trial?

While we don't offer a free trial, we're more than happy to show you around in the tool. Just book a call with us and we gladly demo the tool and discuss Smart System Build with you.

Can I cancel my account any time?

Yes. If you decide that Solintro isn't the solution for you, then you can cancel any time. There are no obligations or contracts. We know how it is to feel locked into something, and we don't want you to feel that way.

What payment gateways do you support?

Stripe and Paypal are the main ones, we also support NMI, Authorize.net, Google Pay and Apple Pay.

What platforms do you integrate with?

There are so many applications that Solintro integrates with, and it's constantly growing. Some of our favorites include:
- Outlook

- Google
- All the social media channels
- Zoom
- Shopify
- Slack
and so many more. Also, if there a tool that you're using that you absolutely don't want to get rid of, we can still help you connect it using either Zapier, or a webhook if you're other tool allows it.

Can I host videos on this platform?

Yes, you can. You can host unlimited number of videos on Solintro.

That said, at the moment, the platform only allows one platform hosted video per lesson in a course, so if you want to have more than one video per lesson, you'll need to store that somewhere else and then embedd that video to the lesson (which is super easy to do).

I have a team of people who work for me, does it cost extra to add them to my account?

Not at all! You can add as many team members as you need, as each account allows you to have unlimited members.

How much is email and texting?

While this is a paid feature, Solintro's plans include a $10 credit which will give you about 10,000 emails.

The cost after the $10 credit is $0.00675 per email and $0.0237 per text ($10 = approx. 10,000 emails or 420 texts).

We only migrate 3 clients per month

So if you don't want to pay those other tool subscriptions next month, make sure to secure your migration spot today!

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